Joyful Noises

Just another Edublogs site

March 31, 2020


Hi there Bees! As you know, SPS is working to improve our distance learning in all areas. I will be attending a virtual meeting tomorrow to learn and help plan what this means for our music classes. For now, I’d like to share some of the resources that have been created by District Arts Team Leaders.

Videos: Each week, a video lesson will be posted on the SPS Youtube channel. These will be taught by wonderful members of our elementary music team from throughout the district. I will post them on the blog each week. Here is Lesson 1:

 District Arts Extension Ideas, Big Thanks to Our Seattle Public Schools Elementary Music Team for Compiling these activities:

All Grades

Grades K – 2

General Music

  • Demonstrate loud-quiet through movement, such as making big motions when the music is loud and small motions when it is quiet.
  • Listen to a piece of music and tell why you like it.
  • Perform songs that have tempo changes, such as Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.Experiment with different tempos while singing/moving.
  • Move and dance to show the emotions of a piece of music.
  • Create a musical instrument from something found (examples: plastic container, straw, whistle).
  • Create an instrument ensemble using items in your home. Create a new musical work and put on a performance!
  • Draw your favorite musical instrument

Grades 3 – 5

General Music

  • Use the rhythms found in a poem to create a musical composition to play on an instrument or sing.
  • Listen to multiple pieces of music and describe which one is the most pleasing.
  • Perform or listen to a piece of music that changes tempo between slow, medium, and fast. Examine how the changes can affect the mood of a piece.
  • Create a musical instrument from something found (examples: plastic container, straw, whistle).
  • Create an instrument ensemble using items in your home. Create a new musical work and put on a performance!
  • Compose a piece of music to express an idea or feeling, then perform it.
  • Compose a song using different rhythms and note names!
  • Draw your favorite instrument or design a new one and explain how it works.
  • Practice your recorder –

Play a game to practice note reading!

As we continue our learning, I will post some specific activities around the suggestions about. Most of all, please use music as an enjoyable activity. These ideas are meant as starting points. Please do what you need to care for yourself and you family, both physically and emotionally.


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