Joyful Noises

Just another Edublogs site

Welcome to 2016


The year has begun! We are all getting a chance to get to know each other and make music. Here are a few highlight of the Fall thus far:

  • Brain Dance- All classes have been warming up doing Brain Dance. Developed by local dance teacher, Anne Green Gilbert, Brain Dance is a series of 8 movements designed to engage our bodies and reorganize our central nervous system. This warm-up activity allows students to use their bodies in music class in a fun and engaging way. I am working this year to get kids moving in music class as much as possible, especially on rainy days like today.  For More information about Brain Dance:
  • Kindergarten and First Grade Classes-  We have been singing simple songs, and working to feel a steady beat in our bodies. Most recently we sang , “What will You Be on Halloween” and “Five Little Pumpkins”. First Graders are also learning to read basic rhythms including quarter notes, and paired eighth notes.
  • 1-2-3 and Second Grade Classes- Second and third Graders have been reviewing rhythmic material they learned last year while helping first graders in their class learn to read, write, and play (on xylophones) quarter notes, paired eighth notes, and quarter rests.
  • 3-4 and 4-5 Classes- these classes will be focusing attention on the 21st Century skill of communication. They have begun to learn about dynamics in music, and how different dynamics can convey different meaning. They moved with the song “super-cali-fragi-listic-expi-ali-docious”, changing the shape of their bodies to reflect the different dynamics they heard. They also connected their language and music skills by collaborating in small groups to create a new word or phrase with 14 syllables. They then performed these for their classes to the tune of “super-cali…”.

Conversation Starters:

  • Tell me about a song you have sung in music this year?
  • Have you played any singing games? Tell me about them?
  • What rhythm has one sound on a beat? (also zero, 2, 3, and 4) Can you draw that for me? (For older students)


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